Book Discovery

There is no discovery more wonderful than a Book Discovery!


Being “middle-aged,” I simultaneously cheer and sigh when I discover young, talented authors. This week I found Jaleigh Johnson.


The Mark of the Dragonfly is Jaleigh Johnson’s fine, fantasy adventure debut novel.


The Mark of the DragonflyThe summary:

“Since her father’s death in a factory in the Dragonfly territories, thirteen-year-old Piper has eked out a living as a scrapper in Merrow Kingdom, but the arrival of a mysterious girl sends her on a dangerous journey to distant lands.”


The first thing I loved, is she named her girl hero “Piper.” Clearly, that makes this author a winner! (I’m not biased or anything! –haha!)

This Piper, like the girls in Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, has unique talents she doesn’t fully understand. It takes engaging with others and putting herself into the fray to fully realize her potential.


The theme of the fortifying and magical power of friendship shines in this fast-paced, imaginative story. Since this girl hero is thirteen, of course there are hints of attraction to the boy—in this case, a chamelin—someone who can change into something like a dragon. Nice shapeshifting creation! This one is named Gee, he’s honorable, loyal, and quick-tempered, like our girl hero Piper.

Johnson’s world is complex and believable—I so admire world-builders! What a talent!


As I do when I find an author I like, I sought out the other books Jaleigh Johnson has written—it turns out this is a series. Sadly, the series doesn’t revisit the same characters—but it does take place in the same world.


The Secrets of SolaceBook 2:The Secrets of Solace




The Quest to the Unchartered LandsBook 3:The Quest to the Uncharted Lands.








Whether you read the whole series or just the first book, The Mark of the Dragonfly, you are in for a treat. Like every amazing book I read, I finished and thought: Wow! I wish I’d written that!





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