Clara Voyant

A “punny” title—it has to be a good book!


In fact, Clara Voyant, by Rachelle Delaney, is a colorful and entertaining life-like story.

Clara Voyant coverSummary:


Clara is in middle school—a new school for her—making life twice as hard. Her no-nonsense grandmother has just up and moved to Florida, leaving Clara’s and her mother on their own for the first time. This leaves Clara’s mother, Gaby, free to “follow her bliss,” setting up an herbal remedy shop and developing her “mystical powers” in free-spirited Kensington Market. (All of which makes Clara roll her eyes!)

Clara tries to make the best of a bad situation by joining the newspaper staff at school where she can put her writing talents to work on hard-boiled news stories. To her horror, she is assigned to write horoscopes. Worse, they start to come true. Soon everyone is talking about the new talented fortuneteller, ‘Clara Voyant.’

When the school mascot goes missing, Clara sees an opportunity for investigative journalism. It’s her chance to prove once and for all her levelheaded, practical talents. However, her newfound intuitive powers have their way, leading her to surprising discoveries and unexpected rewards.



Two things I loved most about Clara Voyant:

One was her unlikely, satisfying friendship with bouncy, upbeat classmate Maeve (“the epitome of normal.”) Friends are the best, and this book proves it! (Powerful friendships are a transformative force in life—my “Merry Band” girls and Piper Pan would agree.)

The other was Clara’s wacky, woo-woo mother, Gaby. I’m just as “woo” in my way, and loved how the author brought the mother-daughter difference to life. Who can’t remember rolling their eyes about their mother? And then finding you are a lot like her after all…


This is a gentle and entertaining read. Check out Rachelle Delaney’s Clara Voyant from the library, or grab it on Kindle!


Happy Reading!



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