Endorsements for Piper Pan

Here’s what they have to say…

I have endorsements for Piper Pan and Her Merry Band Book One: The Curse of the Neverland! Finding the people to ask was a great reminder that while “celebrities” seem like a breed apart, when you really look around at the people within your circle and their amazing accomplishments, you realize you already know “rock stars.”

Without further ado:

“As King Oberon of the fairies says, ‘Never stop believing.’  The Curse of the Neverland is a cleverly crafted reminder that love and friendships are meant to be created and nurtured, valued beyond treasure. As a author and woman, I am captivated by the story and grateful to Lindy MacLaine for creating a world that can be shared with the young girls in my life. A world filled with opportunities to simply enjoy reading together or chose to explore some of the deeper subjects of fear, greed, bullying, heroism and leadership. Truly a book for all ages.”
—Marjorie Schoelles, Author of Now I Wish Upon A PearlMermaidSand.com

“Success starts as a tiny seed in our imagination.  This captivating story of Piper, Belle and Captain L’il Jack will make you laugh, cry and cheer as you follow the girls on their journey from disheartened outsiders to resourceful confident friends. Aside from being a wonderful story,  its also a great message for young girls  to embrace. Life really is an adventure and the more we model this for our children, and expose them to stories like this, the more they will grow up to be resilient and confident young adults.”

—Kathryn Orford, Best Selling Author of Become your #1 Fan ~ How to Silence your Inner Critic and Live the Life of your Dreams.

I’m feeling pretty proud about that, so excuse me while I just do a happy dance!

Within the next couple of weeks, we’ll be doing the cover shoots for book #2 & 3. The hold-up has been trying to track down a sword suitable for Piper. I had been looking at toy stores, and frankly, plastic is great for playing with, but on camera it’s just going to look like PLASTIC!

I finally realized, like my endorsement sources, that I know someone who can help. The son of a good friend of mine is involved in the world of jousting. It’s a medieval reenactment sport, complete with chain mail, weaponry, etc. (Also complete with real live injuries, but that’s another story for another day!) I spoke with him, and he was hopeful about finding something for us. Fingers crossed!

If you missed the images of my Piper taken for the first book, you can see the photos here.

Since I last wrote about “letting go,” I’ve snatched my manuscript back, had another round of editing done, and once again released it. Yes, it’s taking longer than I had imagined, but it’s still moving forward!

At this point I’m imagining the e-book being released in late October or early November, and the book itself in time for purchase as Christmas gifts. (It’ll be a grand gift!)

I’ll keep you posted—in the meantime, keep dreaming through these beautiful, long sumer days!

1 comment to Endorsements for Piper Pan

  • YEAH…………..here’s too moving forward on so many fronts. Good, GOOD! for you. Don’t you feel like you are floating, and if you don’t, YOU should…..let that Happy Dance lead your day!!!!