What About Book Three

“Have you written the third book, yet?”

My husband asked me this out of the blue yesterday—surprising me, to say the least. While very supportive, he has never read my books himself. Why was he asking “What about Book Three?”

I shook my head. “Not yet.”
“But you have an outline, right?”
I made a face, indicating no outline. “I have a handful of scenes in my head.”


When someone says something out of character for them, I often choose to interpret the words as “a message from the Universe.” It’s a telegraph reaching me in the most direct way possible.

The message being: it’s time to start on book three.

If you are one of those dear people who read right through books one and two, you may be thinking: What? She hasn’t started it yet?

I know. I get irritated at authors when I need the next installment and it’s not yet available. Now in the author shoes, I’m more sympathetic toward those I’ve previously cursed for never writing a promised sequel. I now understand how that can happen.

The one thing that exists from Book Three: this illustration! (Thanks, Aisha Zaleha Latip) This is Piper in modeling Resistance!

The one thing that exists from Book Three: this illustration! (Thanks, Aisha Zaleha Latip) This is Piper modeling Resistance!

I speak often and with passion in my coaching newsletter about “Resistance.” Resistance is that thing that pops its head up any time we commit ourselves to any goal toward our higher good. It has many forms, many faces: distraction and procrastination being among its most common.

Resistance is what we must push back against every day of our lives if we are to reach those goals—it’s just part of the human equation. I have not been pushing back. I’ve been letting it push me.

So: I hereby state, in your presence, that I am committed to starting Book Three!

I must tell you that for both book one and two, I already had a manuscript I was working from to get the story shaped and solidified for your reading pleasure. This time I don’t even have an outline. Writing takes time. So please don’t hold your breath—but I am making you a part of my accountability team.

If you are eager for book three, leave me a comment. It will give me a real reason to write! (Besides wanting Piper and the other girls to learn what they need to learn, and take the journeys they need to take.)

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